I am Felix and I am a German teacher in Berlin. I established Hallo-Deutsch in 2010 as a project aimed at teaching German in a personal and open way. A guideline for me is that “every human being is different, and everyone learns in his or her own way”. This is still the centre and guiding star of my teaching approach.
Since 2008, I have been teaching German, first as a volunteer for refugees at the Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Migranten und Flüchtlinge e.V. in Berlin-Kreuzberg, and later as self-employed instructor with Hallo-Deutsch. I studied German and Theatre Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and finished with a Masters degree.
I enjoy teaching. It is great to share my knowledge and to contribute a little to people getting along in Germany more easily. If you understand the language you start to understand the culture and the way people think. You will make friends and you will easily bridge the frequent awkwardness found in encountering another culture.
Berlin has been my home for 18 years now – originally I am from the Munich area in Bavaria. In the past I travelled for an extended time and spent almost two years in North and South America, and in India – thus I am familiar with many of the small difficulties which one comes across when travelling or living in another country and wanting to learn the language.