
Einzelunterricht ist ideal, um die deutsche Sprache in Ihrem persönlichen Lernstil und mit Ihrem eigenen Zeitmanagement zu erlernen.

Einzelunterricht ist ein sehr effektiver Weg, Deutsch zu lernen, da hier größtmöglicher Raum für Ihre individuelle Situation und Ihre Wünsche gegeben ist. In der Eins-zu-Eins- bzw. Eins-zu-Zwei-Situation bietet sich Ihnen die Gelegenheit, intensiv zu sprechen, Ihre Fragen zu stellen und die sprachlichen Situationen zu üben, die für Sie besonders wichtig sind.

Ich werde gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Unterricht entwerfen, der exakt Ihrem Sprachniveau entspricht und in dem wir die Schwerpunkte des Lernens wie Sprechtraining, Wortschatz, Grammatik, sowie das Lerntempo Ihren Vorstellungen nach gestalten.

Kontaktieren Sie mich für mehr Informationen und um Ihre Vorstellungen für Ihren Deutschunterricht zu besprechen!


I was with Felix for about 11 months attending individual lessons once per week. I could speak German fluently when I came to Felix but could not write German to save my life. I had taken very expensive group courses elsewhere where my language ability was assessed incorrectly. So I ended up being able to speak German without having the basic writing skills.

Felix’s creative way of teaching soon helped me to improve my grammar and writing ability. The lessons were individually tailored for my needs and I could see results very quickly. The course material I found to be very well thought out and with lots of hidden teaching aids(exp. colour coded handouts,own voice recordings, techniques for perfect pronunciation etc). It was also helpful that at times when I could not find the German word and said it in English that Felix knew what I meant and could point out false translations as he has a brilliant command of English. In my other German courses no other language than German was allowed. I am now a University student able to read and write very complex legal text in German.

I live, work and study in Germany and only wish that Felix was my first German teacher. Then I would have saved money and time in learning the language properly from the start. I can recommend Felix wholeheartedly.

Edwina from South-Africa